1. Can I use only the Venus Supra pre-polishers or the Venus Supra high-gloss polishers?
It is not recommended. The two polishers complement each other ideally, as the composition of the pre- and high-gloss polishers is different. If you only use the Venus Supra pre-polishers you won‘t achieve the highest lustre of the restoration. And if you only use the Venus Supra high-gloss polishers the surface will shine but still be rough and it may loose its lustre quite soon.
2. How long should I polish with Venus Supra?
It is recommend to use the pre-polisher for 20 seconds and the high-gloss polisher for 40 seconds for best possible results. Best results are achieved by the polishers when they are used under water cooling and minimal pressure.
3. Are there precautions to be taken while polishing using Venus Supra?
Yes. Always wear eye protection and a respirator in order to prevent the inhalation of airborne particles.
4. When do I have to dispose of the polisher?
Venus Supra polishers can be used several times depending on the size and the form of the polished restorations. Dispose immediately deformed instruments or instruments that do not run true.
5. Can I increase the rotation of the instrument to polish faster?
No, the maximum permitted rotational speed (10,000 rpm) should never be exceeded. The polishers tend to vibrate when the maximum permitted rotational speed is exceeded, which can lead to damage to the polisher, such as bending of the shaft and/or breakage of the instrument. This may constitute a danger to the user, the patient or third parties. The best results will be obtained with a rotational speed of around 7,500 rpm.
6. Do I need to work with water spray?
Yes, a water spray is necessary to dissipate the heat (minimum flow of water 50 ml/min). If there is insufficient water cooling, this may lead to irreversible damage of the composites, the teeth and the surrounding tissues. We also recommend using the polisher under minimal pressure.
7. Are Venus Supra polishers re-usable?
Yes. Venus Supra polishers are autoclavable and can be re-used several times. After being used in the mouth, the polisher must be disinfected immediately. You should clean and sterilise polishers prior to use on next patient.
8. How do I store Venus Supra polishers?
Prior to use, store Venus Supra polishers in their original packaging at room temperature protecting them from dust, damp, pressure and re-contamination. Do not store in chemical solutions. Avoid extreme temperature fluctuations. Diamond polishers which have been used, cleaned and sterilised must be stored separately in hygienically maintained stands or other suitable conditions. The Venus Supra packaging is no longer suitable for storage after the first use of the polisher. Instead, use hygienically maintained stands.
9. Can I use Venus Supra for polishing indirect composite restorations?
Yes, Venus Supra is indicated for every composite and restoration type. Thus, Venus Supra can be used for polishing indirect composite restoration like e.g. Signum from Kulzer.
10. Why are there five different forms of Venus Supra?
Venus Supra comes in five established different forms and offers the best choices for all restoration surfaces. The disc is suitable e.g. for polishing incisals or approximal surfaces. Larger surfaces are normally polished with the large cup and large flame. The large flame is also an ideal choice for labial and buccal surfaces. The cup can be used for polishing cusps, incisal and occlusal surfaces. The flame is used to polish occlusal, labial and palatinal surfaces that are difficult to access.