
Frequently asked question about Venus Pearl

1) What is special about the Venus Pearl chemistry?

2) Venus Diamond and Venus Pearl are both based on the same monomer system. How do you explain the difference in consistency?

3) Why does Venus Pearl contain a prepolymerised filler?

4) What are prepolymerised fillers?

5) Does Venus Pearl contain BPA?

6) How many levels of translucency are there within the Venus Pearl range?

7) Venus Pearl has a consistency that is rather creamy, but still stable. I prefer a firmer composite (in general, or e.g. only for the posterior region). Which composite would you recommend to me?

8) Does a softer consistency also mean increased stickiness?

9) What do the prefix ‘O’ and suffix 'C' mean in the Venus Pearl opaque shade colour names?

10) How can I determine the exact shade of Venus Pearl to be used?

11) Why does the material seem matt during layering?

12) Which adhesive systems can I use?

13) Can I use a flow composite as a liner in the cavity?

14) Which polymerisation lamps are suitable?

15) How can I achieve a durable high gloss?

16) Should Venus Pearl restorations always be completed using a layering technique?

17) How does the colour adaptation of Venus Pearl work?

18) Why is the Venus Pearl Shade Guide special?

19) Why were the Kulzer shades HKA2.5 and HKA5 created?

20) Are there also shades in the Venus Pearl colour range that I can use for bleached teeth?

21) What do the abbreviations CL, AM, CO and YO mean?

22) What is the purpose of shade CORE?

23) Are the Venus Diamond and Venus Pearl shades compatible with one another?

24) Are there differences in the polymerisation times between the standard and opaque shades?

25) What is the difference between shrinkage and shrinkage force?

26) Is Venus Pearl a low shrink composite?

27) Are there stain shades?

28) Can Venus Pearl really be modelled with the brushing technique?

29) What are the indications of Venus Pearl?

30) Is Venus Pearl as strong as Venus Diamond?

31) Is Venus Pearl a nano-material?